Council Approves $36.5 Million in COVID-19 Emergency Aid

The County Council yesterday approved a package of measures to provide $36.5 million in financial assistance to businesses and other organizations affected by the COVID-19 emergency. The largest amount, $20 million, will fund a Public Health Emergency Grant Program that would allow the county executive to provide grants of up to $75,000 to county businesses and nonprofits with 100 or fewer full-time-equivalent employees that can demonstrate financial losses caused by the public health emergency.

County, State Police Announce Policies for Enforcement of Stay-at-Home Order

The Montgomery County Department of Police and the state police yesterday announced policies and procedures the departments would follow while enforcing Gov. Larry Hogan’s Monday stay-at-home order. Neither department’s officers will make random stops to ask whether drivers are in compliance with the order to undertake only essential travel.

COVID–19 Closures Extended for Schools, Public Facilities

Gov. Larry Hogan extended the closure of public schools due to the COVID-19 emergency, and Montgomery County Public Schools began distributing laptops to students needing them for distance learning. The closures are in effect until at least April 24 and all extracurricular programs, athletic programs are cancelled.

Council Introduces COVID-19 Help for Small Businesses, Nonprofits

The County Council yesterday introduced emergency legislation and special appropriations to assist small businesses and nonprofit organizations affected by the COVID-19 emergency. The actions would allow the county executive to provide grants of up to $75,000 to organizations “with 100 or fewer full-time-equivalent employees that can demonstrate financial losses caused by the public health emergency.”

Nonprofit Teams with Restaurants to Feed Needy, Support Workers

Local nonprofit Silver Spring Cares has teamed up with a group of Silver Spring/Takoma Park restaurants to provide meals to needy area residents. To fund the effort and help to support the restaurants’ employees, SSC last week launched a Community Connection Go Fund Me page, according to Heather Foley, SSC’s executive director.

DOT Creates No Parking Zones to Facilitate Takeout Pick Ups

The county’s Department of Transportation has designated six temporary “No Parking” zones in downtown Silver Spring to make curbside pickup of takeout orders easier for local residents. In addition, the county has temporarily established free parking for residents in the Bonifant/Dixon garage at 1101 Bonifant St.

Proposed Montgomery County Metrobus Cuts Draw Major Pushback

WMATA government relations officer Charlie Scott, left, presents WMATA's proposed 2021 budget at a town hall in Silver Spring, Maryland, Monday, March 2, 2020, as Montgomery County Council members Evan Glass and Tom Hucker, right, look on. (Photo by Sean McGoey)

A crowd of Montgomery County residents voiced their opposition to proposed Metrobus route cuts Monday night, as the County Council’s Transportation Committee hosted a town hall in downtown Silver Spring to hear public comments on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s planned operating budget for fiscal 2021.