M-NCPPC Raises Major Concerns over DEIS for Managed Lanes

M-NCPPC Votes to “Not Concur” with Managed Lanes Alternatives

The bi-county Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission expressed major concerns about a Draft Environmental Impact Statement during a briefing last week with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration. The DEIS is part of the state’s Managed Lanes Study to evaluate alternatives to improve traffic congestion along I-495 (Capital Beltway) in Maryland, and on I-270 from I-495 to I-370.

Colesville Road to be Repaved with Improvements Added

Colesville Road (U.S. Route 29) will be resurfaced and have additional improvements installed from St. Andrews Way/Sligo Creek Parkway to just past Stewart Lane, according to an announcement from the State Highway Administration. The work, which is scheduled to begin this spring, will repair a surface marred by a WSSC water main project between St. Andrews and the Beltway. The project will continue north past the Shoppes of Burnt Mills, a total of about 3.6 miles.

Water Main Break Disrupts Service, Closes Roads

An eight-inch water main has broken in the Northwood Park neighborhood of Four Corners, disrupting water service and closing down two roads. The break occurred around 9 a.m. this morning, according to Luis Maya, senior public communications specialist for WSSC, around 100 Southwood Ave. near Eastwood Avenue.