County Council Campaign Sign Challenge: Elite 8

County Council Campaign Sign Design Review

Photo from We’re now down to just eight contestants left in the Source’s County Council campaign sign challenge. Today’s poll will determine who makes Monday’s Final Four signs, just before Election Day. With the competition stiffening, we thought we’d remind you of what our design consultant, Eric Robbins, said in his initial review of these eight contestants: Brandy Brooks—Good … Read More

County Council Campaign Sign Challenge: Sweet 16

County Council Campaign Sign Design Review

Photo from The first round of voting in the Source’s County Council candidate sign challenge is over and it’s on to our Sweet 16. The major candidates survived the first round, and now the challenge gets tougher. To help you make your decision on which have the best designs, take a look at our earlier post on the basics … Read More

County Council Campaign Sign Design Review

County Council Campaign Sign Design Review

Photo from We’ve launched a campaign sign challenge tournament where you, our readers, can pick the best sign from the at-large County Council candidates. To help, we contacted professional designer and Source friend Eric Robbins to provide some guidance on what makes a good sign. Read all the way to the end to see his comments on the entries. … Read More

Join the Candidate Sign Tournament and Pick the Best

County Council Campaign Sign Design Review

Photo from You’ve studied the at-large County Council candidates to make your choices for the best. But what about their signs? Who has the best, most effective art and message? We asked the candidates for examples of their campaign signs and collected 22. We’ve randomly seeded them in the poll below for the Tournament of Signs; some candidates were … Read More

Councilmember for a Day Entry Deadline Extended

Montgomery County graphic The deadline for submissions in the 2018 Councilmember for a Day challenge sponsored by Councilmember Craig Rice (D-District 2) has been extended to Monday, July 16. Current students in eighth grade through junior year in high school may enter by submitting a video of two minutes or less, or written essays of 500 words or less, that … Read More

Early Voting Period for Primary Continues This Week

The Silver Spring Civic Building is one of 11 early voting centers in the county. Photo by Mike Diegel. There are four more days left in the early voting period for the June 2018 primary. Eleven early voting centers in the county are open from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. from now through Thursday, June 21. The most convenient center for Silver … Read More