County Council At-Large Candidate: Evan Glass

Photo of the candidate courtesy Evan Glass.

Why are you running for County Council?

My husband and I live in Silver Spring and I have called it home for nearly 20 years. I am running for County Council because:

  1. I want to improve MCPS and ensure that every child receives the best education possible;
  2. As a frequent user of public transit, we must fix our transportation infrastructure so residents can travel safely and with efficiency;
  3. We must protect our environment and adopt policies that will offset the problems of global warming. My local leadership to protect our environment has earned me the Sierra Club’s endorsement.

What are your qualifications for the position?

I currently serve as executive director of Gandhi Brigade Youth Media, a nonprofit that provides free afterschool programs for underserved youth. We operate our programs in libraries, middle schools and high schools throughout Montgomery County. Additionally, I have a successful track record of civic engagement as president of two civic associations (South Silver Spring Neighborhood Association and Indian Spring Citizens Association) and chair of the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board.

My commitment to our community also extends to board leadership of Montgomery Housing Partnership (affordable housing), Conservation Montgomery (environmental protection), Safe Committee for Montgomery (legislative advocacy), Montgomery County Arts Advocates (arts education) and Equality Maryland (LGBTQ rights).

Are you using public financing, yes or no? If yes, have you qualified for matching funds?

I am participating in the county’s public financing system and am proud to have qualified by receiving over 700 individual donations from Montgomery County residents. I am also the only at-large candidate who testified in support of the county’s public financing law and the only candidate to testify in support of public financing for Maryland General Assembly candidates.

What specific policies and/or programs would you propose to expand the county’s tax base?

Increasing economic opportunity is a top priority for me. We also need to modernize our government operations to support our small businesses in today’s economy. Among the regulatory reforms I would like to change:

  • Streamline the Department of Permitting Services so that it is more attentive to the needs of small businesses 

  • Reform the Department of Liquor Control by ending its distribution monopoly. In 2014 I led the effort by writing a Washington Post op-ed calling for direct sales to restaurateurs so that they can create a bar program suitable to their needs. 

  • Working with the Montgomery County Economic Development Corp to create a tiered system that supports business support and incubation for the 96 percent of businesses in Montgomery County that have fewer than 50 employees. 

  • Promoting transit-oriented development in our urban corridors where job centers and cultural capital can be created.

I’m an average voter, interested in doing my civic duty but not an avid follower of county politics. Convince me that I should vote for you over all the other candidates.

For more than 15 years I have been working to improve life for Montgomery County residents. My track record includes successfully supporting and building affordable housing in Silver Spring and Takoma Park, creating a safer pedestrian environment by forcing the State Highway Administration to install crosswalks in downtown Silver Spring, leading the effort to reform our county’s antiquated liquor laws, and developing policies to encourage more green space in our urban areas. And there is much more to do when you help me get to the County Council.

Evan Glass and his husband Jason live in Silver Spring with their two rescue beagles, Daisy and Percy. After a 12-year career as a CNN journalist holding Congress accountable, Evan committed his life to building a stronger Montgomery County.

Glass currently serves as the executive director of Gandhi Brigade Youth Media, a nonprofit organization that operates free after school programs for disadvantaged youth in Silver Spring and throughout the county. In addition to those mentioned above, his civic experience includes:

  • Conservation Montgomery, co-founder and board member (2010 – present) 

  • Safe Silver Spring, board member (2011 – present) 

  • Montgomery County Nighttime Economy Task Force, Neighborhoods Committee lead (2013)
  • Committee for Montgomery, member and executive committee (2015 – present)
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