DOT Creates No Parking Zones to Facilitate Takeout Pick Ups

The county’s Department of Transportation has designated six temporary “No Parking” zones in downtown Silver Spring to make curbside pickup of takeout orders easier for local residents, according to a press release.

In addition, the county has temporarily established free parking for residents in the Bonifant/Dixon garage at 1101 Bonifant St. in Silver Spring.

Both actions are being taken in response to the COVID-19 emergency.

The “No Parking” zones are located in areas with high concentrations of restaurants to prevent long-term parking in front of those businesses. It will allow temporary parking of 15 minutes or less.

In addition, the zones will provide spaces to facilitate driver delivery services, allowing them to park near the restaurant(s) they serve.

The Silver Spring zones include spots along Georgia Avenue, Ramsey Avenue, Fenton Street and Ellsworth Drive. Ellsworth also has been temporarily reopened to vehicles between Fenton and Georgia.

According to the release, “MCDOT is open to consideration of expanding the changes to support other areas currently controlled by curbside parking meters. To request additional locations, contact”

Image from Wikimedia Commons licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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