County, State Police Announce Policies for Enforcement of Stay-at-Home Order

The Montgomery County Department of Police and the state police yesterday announced policies and procedures the departments would follow while enforcing Gov. Larry Hogan’s Monday stay-at-home order.

Neither department’s officers will make random stops to ask whether drivers are in compliance with the order to undertake only essential travel.

“If we encounter people via a traffic stop, police call for service, investigations or a gathering of individuals, we will inquire if individuals are in compliance with the Governor’s Order,” the MSPD press release said.

The MSP issued a similar statement, adding, if “the trooper develops information indicating the individual was engaged in non-essential travel, enforcement action can be taken, in consultation with the state’s attorney’s office in that jurisdiction.”

In addition, the MSP recommended that drivers have documentation about the purpose of their travel, while noting that it is not required.

The MCPD full statement is here, while the MSP statement can be viewed here.

Addendum: the City of Takoma Park Police has issued a statement on enforcement that is virtually identical to the MCPD statement.

Image from Wikimedia Commons licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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