Memorial Day Schedule for Public Facilities Announced

Memorial Day is Monday, May 28. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Memorial Day schedules for Montgomery County and other public facilities have been announced.

All county offices and libraries, along with state offices and courts, Montgomery County schools and administrative offices, will be closed in recognition of the holiday, which honors those who died while serving in the armed forces.

The county’s liquor stores will be open 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Ride On will operate on a Sunday schedule, and parking at public garages, lots and curbside meters will be free on Monday. The Silver Spring TRiPS store will be open.

In addition, all collections refuse and recycling collections scheduled on or after the holiday will be made one day later in the week, and the Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station will be closed.

Information on special county parks programs, events and operating schedule, including Brookside Gardens, ice rinks and tennis centers, is available online.

The Recreation Department’s administrative offices, senior centers and community recreation centers also will be closed, while aquatics programs and facilities will be open.

Outdoor pools including the Martin Luther King Jr. Outdoor Pool, 1201 Jackson Rd., will be open for Memorial Day weekend. However, the Long Branch Pool, 8700 Piney Branch Rd., opening will be postponed because of weather-related construction delays.

In addition, Levine Music in the Silver Spring Library building will be closed over the holiday weekend.

Know of additional places that will closed for the holiday? Let us know in the Comments, or email [email protected] and we’ll update this post.

(Editor’s note: The Source of the Spring will not publish on Memorial Day.)

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