VanGo Circulator Service Returns to Downtown Silver Spring

VanGo, the free downtown Silver Spring circulator bus service, resumes service today (June 8) after being suspended during the county’s COVID-19 restrictions.

Also known as RideOn Route 28, the bus serves the following stops:

  • Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center/Silver Spring Metro
  • 16th St./Second Ave./Cameron St., and
  • Fenton St./ Georgia Ave./13th Street-Montgomery College
    Kennett St.

The transit center has reopened after being restricted due to Purple Line construction.

In addition, the county has announced a return of certain RideOn routes in an “Essential Plus” plan.

Ride On now will operate 53 weekday routes, 49 Saturday routes and 42 Sunday routes, and expansion of the 36 routes that operated seven days a week during the “Essential Services” plan implemented because of the health crisis.

Screenshot from Montgomery County website

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