Montgomery Parks to Open Regional, Recreational Fields Sept. 1

Montgomery Parks will open access to regional and recreational park athletic fields for certain youth and adult games beginning Sept. 1, according to an announcement yesterday.

Availability will be limited to low- and medium-risk sports, as defined by the Maryland Sports Commission Return to Play Committee Report, for groups of 50 or fewer.

“We recognize that people are eager to get back out on the fields for game play, and we are pleased to be able to offer that opportunity now, with the understanding that the health and safety of park patrons and staff is our first priority,” Mike Riley, director of Montgomery Parks, said in the press release. 

Low-risk sports include activities such as running, foot golf, skate boarding, mountain biking and others.

Medium-risk sports include baseball, dodge ball, softball, field hockey, kickball, lacrosse, volleyball and a number of other sports, though no tournaments will be permitted.

Sports such as football, rugby and basketball are still not permitted on local fields, though skill drills and practice are allowed.

All athletic fields, including those located at schools, are available for permits for the fall season on a first-come, first-served basis through ActiveMontgomery or by emailing

While those without permits are allowed to use a field, they must yield to permitted users.

All staff and field users will be required to follow the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,  state and county COVID-19 guidelines, including face covering requirements and social distancing and hygiene requirements.

Photo by Mike Diegel

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