What Happens to Your Leaves After They’re Collected?

The County’s annual leaf collection campaign is in full swing, and a video released this week from the Montgomery County Department of Transporation explains what happens to your leaves after they’re collected.

“After Montgomery County collects leaves and yard waste each autumn, they end up at this composting facility in Dickerson, Maryland, where they get turned into soil conditioner. And it might just end up back in your garden,” the video’s description reads.

The soil conditioner, produced by Maryland Environmental Service and known commercially as Leafgro, is “used extensively by the landscape industry and homeowners as a source of humus for soil improvement,” according to the manufacturer’s website. “Leafgro® is an outstanding example of recycling at its best. By composting leaves and grass clippings that would have normally been disposed of in a landfill, Maryland Environmental Service (MES) converts organic wastes into a valuable resource.”

Photo courtesy MCDOT/YouTube

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