County: Renters Eviction Protections Still in Place Despite Federal Order

The county has issued guidance reminding renters that they continue to have eviction protection despite a recent federal court decision.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s modified CDC Order for a Temporary Halt on Residential Evictions was vacated by a federal judge. In part, the order reads, “This Order does not apply in any state, local, territorial, or tribal area with a moratorium on residential evictions that provides the same or greater level of public-health protection.”

“Last week’s ruling by a federal judge vacating the CDC’s temporary halt to evictions is extremely concerning and could be confusing to our renters,” said County Executive Marc Elrich in a press release. “We need all Montgomery County residents to be fully aware that Maryland’s Executive Order from Governor Hogan is still in effect and helps protect renters.”

Governor Hogan’s Executive Order suspending evictions for tenants who demonstrate income loss related to COVID remains in place until the end of the state of emergency. Under the Governor’s Order, eviction suspension is available if a renter attends their court hearing and provides documentation to show COVID-related impact on income,” the release continues.

Renters can apply for rental assistance at and work with their landlord on addressing past due rent. However, renters need to prepare for possible court action while they apply, the county advises.

Assistance, including legal and other tenant support, also is available from any of the groups listed here, or calling 311 for the county’s Housing Stabilization Services (240.777.0311 if calling from a mobile number).

If a renter is summoned for a court date, they should:

  • Bring income-impact documentation
  • Ask for Legal Aid when they arrive at court, and
  • Should attend each court date if called for multiple appearances.

“Renters who already missed their court date and received an eviction notice from court are encouraged to do two things. They should call 311 (240.777.0311) for guidance from Housing Stabilization Services and they should call one of the tenant support organizations listed at to learn about any other possible options,” the county advises.

Photo by Tone Walker is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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