County Announces Memorial Day Schedule Changes

The county has released schedule changes that will be in effect on Memorial Day Monday, May 31.

County and state offices, state courts and county libraries will be closed, as will the Brookside Nature Center.

Community recreation centers and senior centers also will be closed, though indoor aquatic facilities will operate on a normal schedule and outdoor pools will be open from noon to 7 p.m.

Alcohol Beverage Services stores also will be open from noon to 5 p.m.

The TRiPS Mobile Commuter Store will be closed while the TRiPS Commuter Store at the Silver Spring Transit Center will be open for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ride On, Ride On extRa and Flash Service will operate on a Sunday schedule. For Metrorail and Metrobus information, check online; similarly, MARC Train and Commuter information for the holiday is available online.

Trash and recycling will not be collected by county-operated service on Memorial Day. After the holiday, county-provided recycling and trash collections will slide to be collected one day later than normal, and collections will be completed on the weekend of June 5.

The Shady Grove Processing and Transfer Station will be closed.

For information about which park facilities are open or closed for the holiday, check the Montgomery Parks website.

Finally, county parking lots, garages and street meters will not require payment for parking on Monday.

Photo by Ben Franske from Wikimedia Commons published under GNU Free Documentation License

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