Council Approves Resolution Extending Ride On Fare Holiday to 2022

The County Council yesterday voted unanimously to approve a resolution calling for the Ride On fare holiday to be extended through Jan. 1, 2022.

“Free and reliable public transportation is an equity issue,” Councilmember Evan Glass (D-At-Large), a member of the Transportation & Environment Committee and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Transportation Planning Board, said in a press release.

“With nearly half of all Ride On passengers earning less than $30,000 and many current riders unable to telecommute, an extension of free bus service is an extension of our commitment to racial equity and social justice goals,” he added.

Glass also supports making Ride On fare free for the long term.

The vote is the latest in an extension of the fare holiday, which the council in May voted to continue until Sept. 30.

In May, the council also approved a funding request from County Executive Marc Elrich to conduct a fare equity study for Ride On. That study has not been completed.

Once the study is completed and recommendations forwarded to the council, the group will review it and hold a public hearing.

Yesterday’s resolution now goes to County Executive Marc Elrich for approval.

“2008 06 03 – 2228 – Rockville – Ride On Bus on Research Blvd” by thisisbossi is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

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