Area Jurisdictions Announce New Year’s Weekend Holiday Schedules

Several area jurisdictions and agencies have announced closings and schedule changes for the New Year’s weekend holiday.

All county offices will be closed from Friday, Dec. 31 through Monday, Jan.2, while MC 311 will close at 5 p.m. Dec. 30. Libraries will be closed Jan. 1-2.

In addition to closing state offices and courts on Dec. 30 and Jan. 2, while MVA offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program stations will close Jan. 2

Alcohol Beverage Services stores will be open Saturday, Dec 31 on a holiday schedule of 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Stores will be closed Sunday, Jan. 1 and will be open regular hours on Jan.2.

The county-operated COVID-19 vaccination and testing clinics at UpCounty Regional Services Center in Germantown, Dennis Avenue Center in Silver Spring and the East County Regional Services Center will be open on Monday, Jan.2.

All sites will be closed for testing and vaccinations Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Montgomery College-Rockville campus and Germantown campus testing and vaccination sites will be closed from Dec. 24-Jan. 2.

Ride On will operate on a Saturday schedule Dec. 31 and on a Sunday schedule on Jan. 1-2. All schedules can be found at Routes and Schedules.

Ride On extRa and Ride On Flex will not be in service Dec. 31 to Jan. 2, while Flash will operate on a weekend schedule Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (Orange Line only).

The TRiPS Silver Spring Commuter Store and mobile store will be closed Jan. 1-2.

Metrorail and Metrobus will operate on Dec. 31 and extend hours until 2 a.m. on Sunday, with free trips after 8 p.m. Trains will run from 7 a.m.-midnight on Sunday, Jan. 1 and Monday, Jan. 2. Metrobus will operate on a Sunday schedule Jan. 1 and 2.

The county’s aquatic centers will operate on a winter break schedule until Jan. 1 Community Recreation Centers will close Jan. 2.

Schedule changes and closing at Montgomery Parks facilities from Dec. 23 through New Year’s Day is available online.

County-provided trash and recycling collections will have its regular collection schedules on Jan. 2; the Shady Grove Transfer Station and Recycling Center will close Jan. 2.

In the public parking garages, lots, curbside meters, the posted rates and restrictions will be in effect on Dec. 31. Parking is free on Jan. 2.

In Takoma Park, all city offices and facilities will close Jan. 1 and 2.

Photo: © DavArt1995 –

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