Adoption Center to Waive Fees for Large Dogs in “More to Love” Event

The county’s Animal Services and Adoption Center announced it would waive adoption fees for all dogs more than 40 pounds in a “More to Love” event beginning Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14 and running through Friday, Feb. 24.

Large dogs are often the hardest to place, remaining rescue for a month or more, officials said.

“Some people have misconceptions that bigger dogs are harder to train, require more exercise or need more space,” said Adoption Supervisor Faith Koleszar in a press release. “That all really depends on the personality of the dog. Some are hiking buddies and some are couch potatoes.

“Believe it or not, a big dog can be a great apartment dog—as long as they are getting the care and attention they need,” she continued. “If you come to the adoption center with an open mind, we can find you a great match.”

Potential adopters can start the process by filling out the adoption questionnaire online and email the necessary documents, then arranging to visit the center. More information about the process is available online, as are the shelter’s hours (on the home page).

The center will be closed Monday, Feb. 20 for Presidents Day.

Photo by Mike Diegel

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