Local Jurisdictions, Agencies Announce Holiday Closings, Changes

Local jurisdictions and agencies have announced closings and other changes for Presidents Day Monday, Feb. 20.

All county offices, including COVID-19 vaccination and testing clinics, and libraries will be closed. All Alcohol Beverage Services stores will be open from 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

In Takoma Park, all city offices and facilities will be closed Sunday and Monday, while the Police Department office will be closed Monday.

All state offices and courts, along with Motor Vehicle Administration offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program locations, will be closed.

Ride On, Ride On extRa, and Ride On Flex, along with the Flash Orange line, will operate on a holiday schedule. The Blue Line will not operate. The TRiPS Commuter store in Silver Spring will be open from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. while the mobile store will be closed.

Metrorail will operate on Saturday holiday schedule, with trains running from 5 a.m.-midnight, while Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. MARC train will operate on “R” schedule on all three lines.

Aquatic centers will operate on normal hours on Monday, but community rec and senior centers will be closed.

Montgomery Parks headquarters and permits offices, public information and customer service office, and the Brookside Gardens Visitor Center and Conservatory will be closed. More detailed information about parks facilities and programs is available online.

The Shady Grove Transfer Station and Recycling Center will be closed and all county-provided trash and recycling collections are postponed beginning Monday; collections will slide one day that week.

Public parking garages, lots, curbside meters will all be free on Feb. 20.

Image from publicdomainpictures.net

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