County Council Opens Application Process for Two Planning Board Positions

The County Council has opened the application process for two full, four-year terms on the Planning Board, including for the board chair position, officials announced.

The positions re open to anyone who is registered as a member of any political party or are unaffiliated with any party. Applicants should indicate in a cover letter which position they are applying for. Annual compensation for board members is currently $30,000, and the full-time chair currently earns $228,000.

Among other duties, “the Planning Board’s responsibilities include preparing and proposing amendments to the County General Plan, master plans and functional plans; proposing amendments to the subdivision regulations; and preparing and making recommendations on text amendments to the County Zoning Code,” according to a press release.

“Additionally, the Planning Board implements area master plans and the subdivision process by reviewing and approving all preliminary plans, site plans and other plans for development; provides advice about the planning implications of capital facilities and programs; and provides guidance on the planning implications of capital facilities and other infrastructure,” the release adds.

“Letters of application expressing interest (including interest in serving as the chair, if applicable), including a resume (no more than four pages) listing professional and civic experience, political party affiliation, telephone number, home mailing address, and an email address should be addressed to: Council President and emailed to or mailed to County Council Office, Stella B. Werner Council Office Building, Attn: Clerk, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850,” according to the release. This will be public information and any candidate interviews will be available for live viewing.

Applications must be received no later than Monday, April 3, 2023 at 5 p.m. More information is available online.

County Council photo

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