Marc Yamada Takes Oath as Montgomery County’s 18th Police Chief

Marc Yamada was sworn in as the 18th Chief of Police for Montgomery County on Monday.

County Circuit Court Clerk Karen Bushnell administered the oath in the presence of County Executive Marc Elrich and several department executive staff members. Yamada’s wife and two of his four children attended the ceremony.

Yamada, a Brookeville resident with 35 years of service in the Montgomery County Police Department, most recently served as Assistant Chief of the Field Services Bureau. His appointment marks the first time an Asian American has held the police chief position in Montgomery County.

“I am deeply honored and privileged to serve as the Chief of Police for Montgomery County,” Yamada said Monday. “I am grateful for the trust placed in me by the community and my colleagues, and I look forward to continuing our department’s mission of ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents.”

Yamada was confirmed by a unanimous County Council vote last month. He takes over from Chief Marcus Jones, who retired after 38 years of service and was recently appointed Chief of Security and Compliance for Montgomery County Public Schools.

Photo: © Carsten Reisinger – / MCPD Graphic

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