County’s annual leaf pick up program begins next week

Signs are going up in area neighborhoods now. Photo by Mike Diegel.

The county’s annual leaf vacuuming collection program will begin next week in the designated collection district.

The district boundaries are the Beltway, I-270, Rockville city limits, Norbeck, Bel Pre and Bonifant roads, the Northwest Branch Park and the lines with the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County.

The collections are handled by trucks from the Division of Highway Services. Signs are going up in the designated neighborhoods showing the expected dates of the initial collections (weather permitting). A second collection will be scheduled later in the fall.

Schedules for each neighborhood within the collection district also are available online.

Leaves should be piled near the street, not on the road, and should not be placed on the shoulder, in rain gardens or in bike lanes, where they can limit on-street parking and pose a hazard for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Debris from trees such as sticks and branches, or coarse garden debris, should not be included in the leaf piles but be placed in containers or tied in bundles no more than four feet long and set out for regular yard trim pick ups.

For information about collection district boundaries or pick up schedules, go online to the website noted above or the MC311 Call Center online, or by calling 311 or 240-777-0311, or via TTY at 301-251-4850. The number for MD Relay is 711; the toll free/out-of-state number is 800-735-2258.

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