MNCPPC Issues Request for Proposals for Nolte Park Building

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission has issued a Request for Proposals for the adaptive reuse of the park activity building at Nolte Local Park, located at 200 Denver Rd.

Proposals must include a business plan and financing structure that meets the commission’s general goals for adaptive reuse, which includes enhancing the park’s stewardship without disrupting “surrounding park activities and community character.”

The building is being offered on an “as-is” basis and bidders will be expected to not only propose rental and interior/exterior maintenance fees, but also to be prepared to invest funds into any necessary upgrades to obtain a Use and Occupancy permit.

The building will be available for a five-year lease, with extensions possible for additional years, and the commission will act as landlord to the successful bidder.

The RFP notes that any proposal “offering no rental payment or only a token amount of rental payment will be considered to be a non-responsive Proposal and will not be considered for an award.”

The PAB was built in 1955 and includes a main rec room, kitchen with refrigerator and warming oven, two restrooms and two closets.

The park facilities include two playgrounds, a softball field, two lighted tennis courts, two unlighted multipurpose courts, a soccer field, and 33 parking spaces.

A mandatory pre-proposal conference and walk-through of the site will be held Monday, March 26 at approximately noon (following a similar conference at another site covered by the RFP earlier that day).

Written proposals must be received by 11 a.m. on April 18. Any inquiries about the RPF should be made to Jana M. Harris, Principal Procurement Specialist, 301.454.1603 (phone), 301.454.1606 (fax) or

Please RSVP to Harris by 5 p.m. March 22 to attend the conference and walk-through.

Nolte Park activity building, MNCPPC photo

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