Council to Hold Hearing Tonight on Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Plan

The County Council will hold a public hearing on the draft Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan tonight, according to the schedule released this week.

The plan covers the Georgia Avenue corridor from the edge of downtown Silver Spring at Spring Street to Dennis Avenue. It is intended to consider land use and transportation strategies, including traffic conditions and redevelopment opportunities, and make recommendations that will improve the area.

The draft was agreed to by the Planning Board in July and subsequently forwarded to the council for its review and eventual approval.

The plan includes 44 recommendations, both short- and long-term, that cover issues including zoning, transportation, environmental concerns, parks and economic development, among others.

For example, the draft suggests designating Montgomery Hills area as a Main Street program, considering certain sites for historical designation, preserving existing affordable housing, increasing the tree canopy and local vegetation, installing a two-way separated bikeway on the west side of Georgia Avenue, and creating a new Gateway Urban Recreational Park.

The public planning process began in the fall of 2017 and is being considered in conjunction with the Maryland State Highway Administration and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Those agencies also are studying opportunities for improved conditions and redevelopment in the corridor.

Prior to the public hearing at 7:30 p.m., the council will be briefed on the draft plan by Casey Anderson, chair, Planning Board, Gwen Wright, director, Planning Department, Mike Riley, director, Montgomery Parks, and other members of the Planning Department staff.

The hearing will be held in the council headquarters at 100 Maryland Ave. The Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee is tentatively scheduled to being reviewing the plan on Nov. 25.

Graphic from Montgomery County Planning Department

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