Elrich Reverses DOT Decision; Ride On and Flash Service to Remain Free, For Now

Ride On and Flash bus service will remain free until at least the end of the fiscal year on June 30, County Executive Marc Elrich announced yesterday evening. The change reverses a Department of Transportation decision released earlier this week to start charging $2 fares again on Monday, April 5. Fare collections had been suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.

County DOT to Begin Collecting Fares for Ride On, Flash Bus Service

The county’s Department of Transportation will begin collecting fares and changing boarding procedures on all Ride On, Ride On extRa and Flash buses beginning Monday, April 5. Passengers will now be able to board through the front doors and no longer forced to use the rear doors, though rear boarding will still be used for Flash buses.

New Purple Line Utility Work to Begin Monday in Silver Spring

Purple Line contractors plan to begin two additional utility relocation projects in Silver Spring on Monday, Dec. 21, weather permitting, according to the Maryland Transit Administration. The first involves relocating both underground and overhead utilities along a stretch of 16th Street. The project will start at Lyttonsville Road, just south of Second Avenue, and go to Spring Street.

County DOT Launches Flash Bus Rapid Transit Service

The county’s Department of Transportation launched a new bus rapid transit service yesterday with a media-only event that included County Executive Marc Elrich, Casey Anderson, chair of the Planning Board, and Council Vice President Tom Hucker (D-District 5). The BRT, known as Flash, will run in a 14-mile segment of U.S Route 29 from Burtonsville to the Silver Spring Transit Center, offering limited-stop service seven days a week.

Council Passes Bill Providing Tax Incentive for Projects on WMATA Property

The County Council yesterday approved a bill that would exempt 100% of the property tax for a project built on property leased from WMATA at a Metro station in the county. Bill 29-20, the “More Housing at Metrorail Stations Act,” would apply to construction of new high-rise development that includes at least 50% rental housing and be in effect for 15 years.

M-NCPPC Raises Major Concerns over DEIS for Managed Lanes

M-NCPPC Votes to “Not Concur” with Managed Lanes Alternatives

The bi-county Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission expressed major concerns about a Draft Environmental Impact Statement during a briefing last week with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration. The DEIS is part of the state’s Managed Lanes Study to evaluate alternatives to improve traffic congestion along I-495 (Capital Beltway) in Maryland, and on I-270 from I-495 to I-370.

New Bill Would Provide Tax Incentive for Housing on WMATA Property

Councilmembers Hans Riemer and Andrew Friedson introduced legislation Tuesday that would extend Metro’s existing property tax abatement for 15 years for new high-rise development. Bill 29-20, the “More Housing at Metrorail Stations Act,” would require the Director of Finance to offer a payment in lieu of taxes for a high-rise building constructed by a private developer on property leased from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority at a Metro station.

Red Line Service Interrupted by Derailment at Silver Spring

Service on Metro’s Red Line was interrupted by a derailment at the Silver Spring station shortly before 11:30 a.m. A statement posted by the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission, posted on the organization’s Twitter page, reads, “Preliminary information suggests the eight-car train passed a red signal prior to the derailment.”