You Get What You Pay For — Use Well-Paid Maids!
You get what you pay for. It’s a tough lesson, but most people learn it sooner or later. It’s true for your home, it’s true for your car, and it’s true for your cleaning service. [sponsored]
You get what you pay for. It’s a tough lesson, but most people learn it sooner or later. It’s true for your home, it’s true for your car, and it’s true for your cleaning service. [sponsored]
While boundary change is likely to remain emotive however it is pursued, focusing on the process over the outcome could address the most trenchant opposition: a) periodic review and adjustment of boundaries, and b) an independent and binding review commission in charge of the process.
So, are the current efforts to revisit boundary change evidence of an emerging new coalition? The clearest proponents of boundary change appear to be MCPS students themselves.
The county Planning Department launched the development of the county’s first pedestrian master plan at its Sept. 5 meeting, according to a department announcement. The Planning Board approved a scope of work for the plan, which will be developed by developed by the Functional Planning and Policy Division.
Rachel Carson Elementary School has been a particularly egregious case demonstrating the need for boundary change. The school has been overcrowded by hundreds of students for over a decade, but the community has rejected boundary change that would reassign students to one of five other underenrolled schools within two miles.
Since the late 1990s, with enrollment numbers swinging back up, MCPS has built new schools in burgeoning upcounty areas, renovated and expanded old schools to accommodate more students, and reopened some that it had closed during the 1980s retrenchment.
The Takoma Park Folk Festival on Sunday highlights this week’s events. The American Legion will host local bands on both Friday and Saturday nights, while Sligo Creek Golf Course continues to offer live music on Friday nights, and there’s a comedy show set for Saturday night at the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre. Elsewhere, Levine Music will host a screening of excerpts from Ken Burns’ upcoming documentary about country music on Tuesday evening.
Montgomery County’s population is not only principally center-left, but also highly educated and employed in professions requiring years of training and the accretion of intellectual capital. Not surprisingly, they have an absolute belief in the necessity of high-quality education in preparing their children for a globally competitive labor market.
Finally, after years of Montgomery County Public Schools resegregating and the achievement gap growing despite efforts to shrink it, the debate over school boundary change has come out into the open.