Organizations Join Celebration of PARK(ing) Day

Seven organizations joined the county’s Department of Transportation’s Division of Parking Management Friday to celebrate PARK(ing) Day in downtown Silver Spring. The day is described as “an annual, global event that encourages the temporary transformation of parking spaces into enjoyable, parklike spots [and] encourages people to rethink the urban landscape, their transportation choices and how infrastructure can be more transit-oriented, … Read More

Upcoming Events, Sept. 19-26

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, Sept. 19 Afternoon Movie: “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold,” Long Branch Library, 8800 Garland Ave. 3:30 p.m. (book club discussion of the same title at 2 p.m.) Thursday, Sept. 20 Silver Spring Urban District Advisory meeting, 8110 Georgia Ave., 3rd Floor, 3:30 p.m. Artspace meeting for interested live/work artists, Silver Spring Civic Building, 6:30 p.m. Collage … Read More

County Program Provides Trees for Urban Areas to Increase Canopy

During this fall planting season, interested property owners can help to increase the tree canopy in the county’s urban areas with a free tree. Under the Planning Department’s Shades of Green program, qualifying property owners can get a free tree planted, under certain conditions. For example, trees can’t be planted in street rights-of-way (publicly owned lands that typically include streets … Read More

Upcoming Events, Sept. 12-20

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, Sept. 12 Summer Drum Circle, Gazebo, 7035 Carroll Ave., donations requested, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13 Silver Spring Transportation Management District meeting, Discovery Building, 8 a.m. RSVP Virtual Town Hall with County Executive Ike Leggett, 1-2 p.m. Revels After-School Workshop (Grades 4-6), 531 Dale Dr., 4:30-6 p.m. Metropolis Art Exhibition Opening Reception, Takoma Park Community … Read More