County Council At-Large Candidate: Gabe Albornoz

Photo of the candidate courtesy Gabe Albornoz Why are you running for County Council? I love Montgomery County. I feel a duty to serve my community and work for the common good. I believe that elected office is a noble profession and provides a clear opportunity to impact social change and to serve as a bridge between communities. There are … Read More

County Council At-Large Candidate: Lorna Phillips Forde

Photo of the candidate courtesy Lorna Phillips Forde Why are you running for County Council? I am running to represent the diverse interests of the people who live in Montgomery County. There are a number of areas in which I hope to effect positive change for county residents, including: Universal economic viability (affordable housing and childcare, access to quality healthcare … Read More

County Council At-Large Candidate: Jill Ortman-Fouse

Photo of the candidate by Joe Center Media Why are you running for County Council? About six years ago, I was working with a middle school community that was being forced to change their schedule in a way that would have eliminated elective course possibilities for students. As a high-poverty school with many immigrant students, those electives were the few … Read More

Upcoming Events, May 9-17

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, May 9 May Sparkle! What We Need to Know About Social Media in 2018, Silver Spring Civic Building, 2-3:30 p.m. Summer Drum Circle, Gazebo, 7035 Carroll Ave., Donation requested, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, May 10 Silver Spring Transportation Management District Advisory Committee meeting, Discovery Communications, 8-10 a.m., RSVP Virtual Town Hall with County Executive Ike Leggett, … Read More

County Council At-Large Candidate: Will Jawando

Photo of the candidate courtesy Will Jawando Why are you running for County Council? I’m running for County Council At-Large because of something that I call the Montgomery County Promise. It’s what brought my mom and dad here, and it’s why my wife Michele and I stayed here to raise our three daughters. The #MoCoPromise is many things to many … Read More

County Council At-Large Candidate: Ashwani Jain

Photo of the candidate courtesy Ashwani Jain. Why are you running for County Council? I love Montgomery County and am blessed to call it my home. This is where my parents immigrated to start our family and launch our family business. I’ve lived in four of the five council districts, in both the east and west sides of the county, … Read More