Libraries, Gandhi Brigade offer free video classes
Free classes in video production for high school students will start next week, part of a collaboration between Gandhi Brigade Youth Media and Montgomery County Public Libraries.
Free classes in video production for high school students will start next week, part of a collaboration between Gandhi Brigade Youth Media and Montgomery County Public Libraries.
“Little Drops is an online fundraising group whose members donate $5 twice a month to a charity selected by vote through Facebook. After the election, I felt compelled to take action and create the positive change I wanted to see in the world. I was part of a number of progressive Facebook groups and kept thinking about how impactful it would be if every group member contributed even just a dollar to nonprofits that are already doing great work. After suggesting this a few times, and no one taking the bait, I decided to try it myself.”
Due to the overwhelming success of our Community Events Calendar, and to eliminate confusion with our news stories, we are changing how our Weekly Newsletters will be distributed.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. Photo from U.S. Information Agency via Wikimedia Commons. The county has released its schedule of closings and other changes due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday Monday, Jan. 15. All county government offices and libraries will be closed for the holiday, as will state … Read More
Paisano’s Pizza, a northern Virginia-based chain, plans to open a location at 8213 Georgia Ave., formerly occupied by Radio Shack.
Illustration from FiveStone Church Thursday, January 11 Silver Spring Transportation Management District meeting, Discovery Communications, 8-10 a.m., RSVP Carpe Diem Second Thursday Contra Dance, Silver Spring Civic Building, $5-$10, 7-10 p.m. Friday, January 12 Dr. Martin Luther King Food Drive begins, TPSS Co-op, 201 Ethan Allen Ave. Winter Choral Concert, Levine Music, Silver Spring Library, 900 Wayne Ave., 2nd Floor, … Read More
Discovery Communications, a cornerstone of Silver Spring’s revitalization, will move its headquarters to New York City and sell its downtown building.
Tucked between Sligo Creek and Piney Branch, bounded on the southern end by Mississippi Avenue in the city of Takoma Park, is the delightful neighborhood of Sligo Park Hills.
Photo from first MoCoComCon by Mike Diegel Montgomery County’s second comic convention, MoCoComCon, will be held from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, January 27 in the Silver Spring Library, 900 Wayne Ave. The free event includes a cosplay contest for ages 0-12, 13-17 and 18 and over; contest preregistration will begin at 11 a.m. and be limited to 20 participants in … Read More