County departments unveil “I Take It Personally” campaign

The program includes ads on busses. Montgomery County photo via Flickr. The Montgomery County Police Department and Department of Liquor Control, in partnership with Dryver and Lyft, this week unveiled the “I Take It Personally” campaign. The campaign is an effort to combat drunk driving and encourage residents not to over-consumer alcohol. It also targets establishments serving alcohol to remind … Read More

Upcoming Events, June 28-July 7

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, June 28 Progressive Maryland District 5 Happy Hour, Denizens Brewing Co., 1115 East-West Highway, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, June 29 Silver Spring Summer Concert, David Bach Consort, Veterans Plaza, Fenton and Ellsworth, 7-9 p.m. Friday, June 30 Application deadline, Maryland Hispanic Achievement Scholarship. Music in the Park, Triangle Park, 4th and Blair Rd., NW, Takoma, 6-8 … Read More