Upcoming Events Feb. 15-21

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, Feb. 15 Meredith Sheperd of Love and Carrots, “Edible Landscaping in Small Spaces,” 7328 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 Author Iris Krasnow, “Finding Purpose and Passion at Every Stage and Age,” Easter Seals Regional Headquarters, 1420 Spring St., 2 p.m. RSVP required X-Treme Biking Pump Track Pop-up, Argyle Local Park, 1030 … Read More

Council member compiles suggested improvements for Department of Liquor Control

Photo from Wikipedia Councilmember Tom Hucker (D-District 5) has compiled a series of suggestions that could improve the operations of the county’s Department of Liquor Control and sent them in a letter to new DLC Director Robert Dorfman. Hucker said the ideas came from a number of sources, including surveying licensees in his district to solicit opinions and suggestions concerning … Read More

Upcoming Events Feb. 8-16

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, Feb. 8 Poetry Adventure with poet JoAnne Growney, Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veteran’s Plaza, 2 p.m. Action in Montgomery meeting, Silver Spring United Methodist Church, 8900 Georgia Ave., 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9 Silver Spring Contra Dance, Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veteran’s Plaza, 7:30-10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10 Books and Basketball, Takoma Middle … Read More

Two Silver Spring houses available for salvage

The owners of two houses slated for demolition on Silver Spring Avenue are offering interested people the chance to salvage anything they might find useful, according to a post circulated on the East Silver Spring Civic Association listserv.

Candy box scam turning up in county

Photo courtesy Office of Consumer Protection. Those candy boxes you see asking for donations to help or find pets or children? Careful, it’s likely a scam, according to the Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection. According to an OCP press release, the boxes are actually property of for-profit business ventures that keep all the cash for themselves, and they have … Read More