Koiner Farm to Add Equipment, Extend Growing Season

Koiner Farm in Silver Spring will be adding equipment this fall that will allow it to extend the growing season for certain crops, according to Kate Medina, founder and executive director of the Charles Koiner Conservancy for Urban Farming.

“As a small farm, just one acre, we’ve got to maximize not only our space, but also our time to grow,” Medina said. “So our plans are row covers and a small greenhouse.”

The covers will help to protect tender crops while the greenhouse will allow the operators to start seeds in one location, rather than borrowing space in volunteers’ basements or sunrooms.

“In addition, inside of the greenhouse, we’re hoping to do a new wash station,” she said.

CKC intends to add solar-powered heating units to provide warm water for the harvest teams to use to wash crops as the temperatures get cooler.

The farm managers (a team of six) plan to start planting crops such as kale, collards, turnips, radishes, carrots and others for harvest in February.

All the food they are able to grow this winter will be donated to either Shepherd’s Table or Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington for needy families.

CKC started a Community Supported Agriculture program this year, selling shares to local families, and added a twist—sponsored CSAs.

The customers of CKC’s sponsorship CSA purchased two shares—one for their family and one for a local family in need, as identified by ACSGW. This year, the demand exceeded the farm’s supplies, but the group plans to continue the program for the community in the future.

Photo by Hannah Sholder courtesy CKC

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