Regal Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX Undergoing Renovations

The Regal Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX theatre on Ellsworth Drive is undergoing renovations, as part of a industry-wide effort to bring patrons back to watching movies on the big screen.

According to permits filed earlier this month, the renovations include removal and replacement of existing seats and furnishings in auditoriums and employee break room. Recliner seating will be installed in the auditoriums, as well as updated fixtures.

On its website, Regal describes the  move to recliner seating in its theatres:

Kick back and enjoy Regal King Size Recliners at select movie theatre locations. These luxurious recliners are cozy, comfortable and spacious, adjustable to multiple positions and include padded footrests. Regal guests can rest and relax in these movie theatre recliners, becoming further immersed in the movie while experiencing this luxury environment.

Regal competitor AMC’s location at Wheaton Mall reopened last fall, with recliner seats and a MacGuffins bar.

After record low attendance figures in 2014, theaters have been installing recliner seating and other amenities as a means to compete with streaming services, large flatscreen TVs and movie piracy. According to research from investment firm Benchmark Company, AMC expects to complete recliner seating renovations at over 1,800 screens by the end of 2018.

Photo by David Lay

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