Enjoy Public Art from a Distance in Downtown Silver Spring

Art aficionados can enjoy public art in downtown Silver Spring — from a distance, of course.

Dubbed the Social Distancing Art Walk, the self-guided tour from the Silver Spring Urban District allows walkers to enjoy a collection of 11 public art installations in the downtown area:

Keep a distance of 10′ while enjoying the spring weather and a self-directed artwork tour!  The Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District has some amazing public art. With over 60 pieces it is hard to know where to begin.  Use this tour to start your journey. Remember to maintain your 10′ distance from others!

Featured works of art include the Bio Wall at United Therapeutics (pictured above), A Brushstroke of Discovery at Inventa Towers, Penguin Rush Hour at the Silver Spring Transit Center, and Coastline at the headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Photo courtesy Silver Spring Urban District

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