Silver Spring Parking Rates to Increase Beginning Next Week

Parking rates in downtown Silver Spring and the rest of the Silver Spring Parking Lot District will increase beginning Monday, Nov. 2, the county’s Department of Transportation has announced.

The rates will change at the county-operated garages, surface lots and street parking meters, including the Montgomery Hills area, part of the PLD.

With three exceptions, the downtown Silver Spring parking garage rates will rise from $.70 per hour to $1.

Rates at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration garage and garages on Wayne Avenue and Ellsworth Drive, will go up to $1.25 per hour. The NOAA rate is currently $.70 per hour while rates at the other two are now $1 per hour.

Street parking will be $2 per hour and surface lots $1.25.

Permit fees will be:

  • $195 monthly in the Wayne Avenue and Ellsworth Drive garages
  • $132 per month at long-term meter with a Parking Convenience Sticker monthly permit, and
  • $12 per day with a daily parking permit.

The days and hours requiring payment will remain the same. The new rates will be implemented in stages over the month of November, the department said in the announcement.

Fees collected in the PLD go toward cleaning, maintenance and security/customer services in the parking facilities. In addition, PLD funding provides support for the Urban District, including sidewalk and lighting maintenance and clean-and-safe crews.

County spokespeople did not respond to several requests for additional information.

Photo by David Lay

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