Urban Winery Closes for Winter in Anticipation of Relocating

The Urban Winery has moved out of its space on Bonifant Street for the winter in anticipation of relocating in the spring, according to CEO Damon Callis.

“As of Saturday, Dec. 19 we have moved our beloved winery to our warehouse space for the winter and will reemerge in the spring,” says the announcement posted on the winery’s Facebook page. “In the meantime, please visit [our website] and share with everyone that we have moved your favorite wines to our online store for shipping, home delivery or pick up.”

Callis told the Source that while the Bonifant location had been a good one for them, the growth in the winery’s production demands meant they needed to find a larger space.

The winery hopes to remain in Silver Spring, he added.

Photo by David Lay

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