State Commits to Funding Redesign of Georgia Avenue Corridor

The Maryland Department of Transportation has committed $1.6 million to finish redesigning the Georgia Avenue corridor in Montgomery Hills and Forest Glen, according to a press release distributed by state Del. Jared Solomon (D-District 18).

The State Highway Administration received federal approval in September 2019 to redesign the stretch of Georgia from 16th Street to Forest Glen Avenue.

The work will include narrowing traffic lanes, adding a raised and landscaped median, sidewalks on both sides of the road and a two-way bike track on the west side of Georgia, along with a new traffic signal at Flora Lane.

SHA will eliminate the reversible center lane, currently used for left turns, creating three through lanes in both directions with dedicated turn lanes.

Among other improvements, the plans call for the state to remove the southbound free right turn from Georgia onto 16th Street, directing drivers to the T intersection just south of the current turn.

In addition, the interchange for the Beltway and Georgia will also be modified to reduce the traffic weave/merge, add a double left turn to the existing ramp for inner loop traffic heading to northbound Georgia, and a new traffic signal and median break along Georgia.

The funding will come as part of the state’s Consolidated Transportation Program, a six-year capital budget for transportation projects. The delegations from Districts 18 and 20, as well as citizens groups such as Friends of Forest Glen and Montgomery Hills, were actively pursuing the funding.

According to local officials, completing the design would put the project in a strong position to compete for additional state or federal infrastructure/highway monies.

“We are thrilled to hear SHA has dedicated the funds necessary to complete the design stage,” said Michelle Foster, FFGMH president, in the release. “SHA’s proposal will improve safety, increase the ability to walk and bike, beautify the entire corridor, and help local business thrive.”

“I am encouraged by this significant investment in the Montgomery Hills neighborhood. The progress made here is due to the tireless efforts of transit activists and community leaders,” added Sen. Will Smith (D-District 20). “This is excellent news for our community.”

Photo of the congested Georgia Avenue through Montgomery Hills by Earl Dotter, Photojournalist, Stock Photography Library.

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