Mandalay Reopens After Extended Temporary Closure

Mandalay Restaurant and Café has reopened after an extended temporary closure, according to a message posted on their Facebook page.

“Hi Mandalay customers we are back,” the Facebook post reads. “Mandalay Restaurant will open for carry out on Wednesday. Thank you.”

We reported last week that the Myint family had extended the restaurant’s temporary closure until March 10, due to “a few family matters and the civil unrest back home [that] has taken a little toll on the family.”

The restaurant had originally posted in February that it was temporarily closing due to a “contact with someone who has COVID.” The closure was extended later in the month, due to family matters and civil unrest in Burma.

Manager Joe Myint stated last August that Mandalay will continue operating at 930 Bonifant St. until mid-2021. In December of 2019, the Myint family announced their intention to move their restaurant to a location near the former Walter Reed complex at 7302 Georgia Ave. N.W. in Washington, D.C.

“That is still the plan,” Myint said in an email to the Source last year, noting that the family had purchased that building.

The family-run Burmese restaurant has been in downtown Silver Spring since 2004.

Source file photo

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