CKC Farming Deputy Director Honored as a Local Hero

CKC Farming deputy director Hannah Sholder has been honored by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-District 8) as a Local Hero of the Week for her work with farming in local communities, notably at Koiner Farm in Silver Spring.

“Happy to feature Hannah Sholder, deputy director of CKC Farming, as my #MD08 Local Hero this week,” Rep. Raskin said in a Facebook post. “Hannah has dedicated her skills and green thumb to cultivating and preserving the famous Koiner Farm and other public lands for our community.”

Ms. Sholder was interviewed last year as part of Silver Spring photographer Jonna Huseman’s photo essay series, Life in the Time of Coronavirus: Voices from Silver Spring.

“It was such a nice surprise to get this honor and be interviewed by Congressman Raskin, especially amidst all the terrible Covid news and stressful events these days,” Ms. Sholder said in an email to the Source. “The thoughtfulness of having a Local Heroes program really speaks to the inclusive approach towards governance and leadership that Congressman Raskin has, which I so appreciate.”

Photo: Rep. Jamie Raskin/YouTube

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