Crown Wigs Building on Georgia Avenue Listed for Sale

The building at 8233 Georgia Ave. that houses Crown Wigs has been listed for sale, according to Hannah McCann, who leads the commercial realty practice at GoBrent Realty.

“I got an alert [Tuesday] morning that a new [property] in 20910 had just come up,” she said, noting that it’s listed by a company called The W Group in Laurel.

The property is listed at $1 million, which McCann said was essentially the same price the building was listed for—$999,900—during four months in 2006-07 before it was pulled from the market.

“Here we are 15 years later and it’s back on the market for $100 more,” McCann said.

The 1,344 square foot, one-story building was built in 1927 and is currently assessed at $441,700.

Crown Wigs has been at the location since 1968. The building is listed as being sold in “shell condition,” but there’s no word on if or when the store might close.

“Typically, this type of condition denotes that the building’s construction elements have been completed but that there are few, if any, finishes,” according to, a commercial real estate investing site.

That often means that there will be no HVAC, lighting, plumbing, ceiling or interior walls, the site notes, but that can vary.

The property is in a designated opportunity zone, meaning it is eligible for federal tax incentives.

Photo by David Lay

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