Silver Spring A&E District Seeks Input for Redesignation Effort

The Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District is asking for the public to fill out a survey to help guide the district as it goes through the process of getting a second 10-year redesignation from the state.

The survey is now online; 14 questions asking for what people think is most important about an arts and entertainment district, what aspects are most interesting (e.g., cinema, dance, arts, writing, music, culinary arts, etc.), what is valued most about Silver Spring, how people learn about Silver Spring events, and so forth.

Silver Spring, along with Bethesda, was one of the state’s first four districts to receive the designation in December 2001. The designation provides tax incentives to local artists, developers and performing arts venues.

In addition, the district supports efforts to bring more public art, special events, programming and awards for local artists, and other ways to support the arts in the community.

Montgomery County photo

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