MCEDC Gets Federal Funds for Silver Spring with Raskin’s Help

The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, with the help of U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-8th District), will receive $300,000 in federal funds to support economic development in downtown Silver Spring, the organization announced.

The funding will support the businesses and venues (including breweries Astro Lab, Denizens and Silver Branch) within the Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District with the goal of encouraging businesses and visitors to recognize Silver Spring as a thriving business and entertainment community.

Potential uses of the funds include:

  • Infrastructure upgrades such as additional streetscaping, pedestrian-friendly walkways, lighting and signage to guide visitors along the public art walk and between the breweries
  • A partnership with Montgomery College to train for highly skilled positions with breweries, including as brewmasters and adding specialized skills
  • Pop-up space for local breweries including those outside the immediate area
  • Public art, and
  • Marketing and promotions.

“Dynamic federal-local partnerships help our Eighth District community thrive,” Raskin said in the MCEDC press release. “This project will create economic development opportunities and invigorate Silver Spring, and I’m proud to see the project through as your congressional representative.”

MCEDC will begin to gather community stakeholders in the next several months to plan and execute the economic development project, said Benjamin H. Wu, MCEDC president and CEO.

Photo: © Davide Angelini / Adobe Stock

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