Urban Winery Cuts Ribbon on New Tasting Room

Urban Winery has opened its new production facility and tasting room at 2315 Stewart Ave., according to Jane Redicker, President & CEO of the Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce.

“GSSCC was pleased to join Urban Winery owners Damon and Georgia Callis and family to cut the ribbon for the grand opening of the new winery and tasting room,” Redicker said in an email sent to the Source.

The previous location of Urban Winery at 949 Bonifant St. in downtown Silver Spring closed in December 2020. Callis told the Source that while the Bonifant location had been a good one for them, the growth in the winery’s production demands meant they needed to find a larger space.

The Bonifant St. space is set to become Ivela Sports Lounge, with its liquor license hearing scheduled for October 20.

Photo Courtesy of the Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce

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