Planning Department Looking to Fill Design Advisory Panel for Downtown Silver Spring

The county’s Planning Department is looking for five people to serve on the upcoming Design Advisory Panel for downtown Silver Spring.

“Selected candidates will serve on the panel with the primary goal of reviewing new projects in downtown Silver Spring and offering advisory comments to improve the quality of architecture, landscape architecture, and public spaces and raise the level of design excellence in the downtown,” according to a press release.

“The Bethesda DAP has been successful at elevating the quality of design for recent new projects,” said Downcounty Chief Elza Hisel-McCoy. “We are excited to see what the Silver Spring DAP will achieve for downtown Silver Spring.”

The panel, which must include at least on Silver Spring resident, will serve with an ex-officio member from the Planning Director’s office along with a staff facilitator and be guided by the planned design guidelines coming from the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan, which was approved by the County Council in May.

“Candidates must have professional experience and/or expertise in the fields of urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and/or urban planning,” according to the announcement.

Ideally, the department is looking to fill the panel with:

  • A registered/experienced architect from the greater Montgomery County community
  • A registered/experienced landscape architect from the greater Montgomery County community
  • An architect/urban designer representing academia
  • A Silver Spring community member who has a personal or professional interest in urban design, architecture, and/or landscape architecture, and
  • A member of the development community, who may be a developer, real estate professional or involved in real estate investment.

The department is accepting nominations for DAP membership until December 2; candidates may self-nominate. Interested parties should send a letter of interest or recommendation and a résumé to, who is the project director. The Planning Board will select the DAP members in January 2023.

Montgomery Planning photo

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