Parts of Wayne Ave. To Close for Purple Line Construction

Parts of Wayne Ave. in downtown Silver Spring will close for up to 18 months as Purple Line construction resumes, officials announced.

A long-term lane closure and modified traffic configuration will be implemented on Wayne Ave. between Sligo Creek Parkway and Fenton St. on or about Jan. 16.

Approximately 18 months will be required to complete the installation of a replacement storm drain system, curbs, and sidewalk reconstruction. Residents will be able to access their properties and driveways through the construction zone on Wayne Ave. A sidewalk will always be maintained on either the north or south side of Wayne Ave. around the construction zone to allow pedestrian access. There will be no on-street parking in the work zones, and bus stop access will be maintained.

Additionally, construction will commence on or about Jan. 23 on the Silver Spring Library station, which is located at the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library.

The library will be accessible at all times, as well as the businesses surrounding the library, including Bonifant St. There will be ADA-compliant pedestrian access to the library via Wayne Ave. and Fenton St.; pedestrian pathways will change intermittently throughout the work zone. There will be fencing installed to delineate the work zone immediately following excavation, utility relocations, systems, and track work.

There will be one-way traffic on Bonifant St., eastbound from Georgia Ave. Construction may occur from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., weekdays and weekends, as needed through December 2023.

Across downtown Silver Spring, work continues around the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center. Crews continue to build the Purple Line Station and the Mezzanine access to the Metro and MARC stations. The pedestrian access around the work zone will be maintained in accordance with ADA guidelines, with intermittent changes in walkways. Throughout the Purple Line work zone, access to the Transit Center will be maintained at all times, MDOT said.

The Purple Line Transit Partners announced last April that the organization had reached a “financial close” with the new design-build contractor, Maryland Transit Solutions, for completion of the delayed construction. Construction on the project resumed last September, according to Maryland Matters.

MTA Photo

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