County Will Now Charge for Parking Saturday in Silver Spring

Parking at county-operated garages, parking lots and street meters in Silver Spring will no longer be free beginning on Saturday, July 8, while Sundays will remain free, officials announced.

The hours and rates for Saturday parking will be the same as during the rest of the week:

  • On-street parking: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.: $2 per hour
  • Surface lot parking: Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. -10 p.m.: $1.25 per hour, and
  • Garage parking: Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m.-10 p.m.: $1.25 per hour or less.

“Revenue generated from the new Saturday parking hours will allow us to increase security measures in and around our parking facilities that will ensure our downtown areas remain safe and desirable destinations for residents and visitors,” Chris Conklin, director of the Department of Transportation, said in a press release.

“Additionally, metered parking promotes turnover in parking spaces, which will increase the number of people who are able to dine and shop downtown,” he continued. “We expect these new Saturday hours to have a positive impact on our community and local businesses.”

Parking revenue will be used to implement new safety and security measures in parking facilities, including installing more lighting and cameras, in addition to maintenance.

Parking revenue also supports Silver Spring Urban District programs such as sidewalk and lighting maintenance and clean-and-safe crews throughout the downtown areas.

Photo by David Lay

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