Town Square, Wayne Ave. Garages to Switch to Pay-by-Plate Payment System

Updated at 9:20 a.m. to include the Wayne Ave. garage. Thanks to reader Brian P. for the catch!

The Town Square and Wayne Ave. garages in downtown Silver Spring will switch to a Pay-by-Plate payment system at the end of July, county officials announced.

The switch to Pay-by-Plate comes in the wake of a change to the county’s parking rates earlier this month, which included the charge for Saturday parking.

Pay-by-Plate works similarly to a single space meter where the customer estimates the time and pre-pays prior to leaving the garage.

The county’s Pay-by-Plate information page provides instructions for using the new system, including:

  • Park your car and remember your license plate number.
  • Locate the nearest centralized pay station.
  • Enter your license plate number.
  • Insert money (coins, bills ($1 and $5 only), credit cards).
  • Press OK to finish the transaction.
  • Take the receipt with you.

Parkmobile and Passport will be able to accept mobile payments following the conversion. Mobile payment can be used by entering the seven-digit zone number (3610001, for example), entering your license plate, choosing the duration, and then beginning the payment process.


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