Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District Seeks Applicants for Advisory Group

The Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District is currently seeking applicants to fill vacancies on the Arts & Entertainment District Advisory Group.

Originally designated by the State of Maryland in 2001 and managed by the Montgomery County Government, the district aims to foster a diverse artistic and cultural hub through economic development, tourism attraction, preservation of community identity, and encouragement of economic revitalization and neighborhood pride. Situated in downtown Silver Spring, the district offers a vibrant urban center showcasing arts and entertainment, catering to residents and visitors seeking unique cultural experiences.

According to a recent press release, the 15-member advisory group will comprise representatives from various stakeholders residing or working within the district boundaries. This includes individuals from arts organizations, venues, entertainment establishments, local artists, residents, businesses, and creative enterprises within the district. The group’s mission is to guide the Silver Spring Regional Center in creating a conducive environment for artistic and entertainment entities to flourish, aligning with the district’s objectives.

Members of the advisory group will serve three-year terms voluntarily and without compensation. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply before the deadline on April 1 by completing the application form available at

Photo: Ken Stanek

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