County Leaders Celebrate Opening of Montgomery College’s East County Education Center in White Oak

County and Montgomery College officials celebrated the opening of the East County Education Center in White Oak last week.

The center aims to assist the county’s workforce development efforts, provide easier access to education and training for East County residents, and help spur economic development throughout the region.

“The East County Education Center is evidence of our unwavering dedication to uplift our community,” County Executive Marc Elrich said in a press release. “Since taking office, I have been pushing this effort, and I am happy we are now able to expand East County’s educational opportunities. I would like to thank Montgomery College and our dedicated partnerships for their commitment to improving East County.”

Montgomery College has three other campuses in Germantown, Rockville, and Takoma Park/Silver Spring, as well as Workforce Development and Continuing Education Centers in Gaithersburg and Wheaton. The East County Education Center is expected to serve about 1,000 students in its first year.

“The new East County Educational Center enables greater access to higher education and career-readiness training for talented students in the area,” said Council President Andrew Friedson. “This strategic investment represents an important step toward enhanced economic mobility and expanded opportunities to live, learn, work, and raise a family in East County and across Montgomery County.

Elrich has recommended more than $60 million in funding for the county’s Fiscal Year 2025-30 Capital Improvement Program to begin planning a full-service East County campus. The Council has tentatively approved these funds.

“Montgomery College is thrilled to be opening this new center, filled with expanded opportunities for education and training in the East County,” Montgomery College President Jermaine Williams said. “Residents can now study and train closer to home, for skilled jobs in the region. This innovative partnership is the result of tireless efforts by County Executive Marc Elrich, the County Council, the State of Maryland and local employers to create an ecosystem of equitable opportunity and success for residents in this region. Creating pathways to jobs with family-sustaining wages is part Montgomery College’s focus and this new center is just the beginning.”

The 55,000-square-foot East County Education Center includes 11 classrooms, ten labs (six allied health labs, three computer labs, and one career training education lab), a Raptor Center (a one-stop shop for admissions, enrollment, and visitor services), a Community Engagement Center, a Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Center, Learning Center, Library, event spaces, Worksource Montgomery and Student Wellness centers, and study rooms and lounges.

“The new East County Education Center is a significant milestone that shows our commitment to providing the high quality, affordable education our residents deserve,” said Councilmember Will Jawando. “This expansion is an investment not only in our students, but also in the economic development and overall well-being of the entire East County. I firmly believe in the potential of every individual, and I know that this expansion will provide the necessary tools and support for our students to achieve that potential. Today, let’s celebrate this big step toward building a stronger, more inclusive and more prosperous Montgomery County.”

In addition to the East County Education Center, the county recently celebrated other investments, including the new Sprouts Farmers Market in the recently-renovated Burtonsville Crossing Shopping Center.

“East County residents have long advocated for expanded access to higher education and workforce training on our side of the County,” said Councilmember Kristin Mink. “I’m grateful that Montgomery College, as well as my colleagues on the Council and in the State Legislature, recognize that need, and we are taking action. Thanks to this beautiful new facility, populated with top-tier instructors and programming, residents of East County are already registering for classes and entering the pipeline into careers in nursing, cybersecurity, criminal justice, and other in-demand fields.”

“I am happy to celebrate the opening of the East County Education Center,” said Jewru Bandeh, East County regional director. “This is a testament to our collective efforts to bring positive change to the area.”

The East County Education Center is at Westech Corner, located near U.S. Route 29 at 2221 Broadbirch Drive in White Oak.

Photo: @WillJawando / Twitter

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