Metro Red Line Summer Closure: Shuttle Buses and Dedicated Lanes Prioritized

Metro and local transportation authorities have announced a comprehensive plan to address Red Line closures from June 1 to August 31, including free shuttle buses and bus-only lanes.

Glenmont, Wheaton, Forest Glen, and Silver Spring stations will remain closed during the June-August closure period, while Takoma station will only be closed from June 1 to June 29. Red Line trains will operate every 6 minutes throughout the day, including rush hours, to accommodate capacity constraints at Fort Totten and Takoma stations. After 9:30 p.m., trains will run every 10 minutes per the regular schedule. Free shuttle buses will provide frequent connections to the closed stations, running every 4-8 minutes.

In partnership with the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), over seven miles of bus-only lanes will be established along sections of Georgia Avenue between Glenmont and Silver Spring, with signal timing adjustments to prioritize buses. Within the District, Metro has engaged with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to implement signal timing changes and additional measures, such as parking restrictions and congestion alleviation strategies, to ensure faster and more reliable shuttle bus service.

The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) will offer discounted fares on MARC Train and Commuter Bus services from stops near the impacted stations.

Metro has coordinated the Red Line shutdown with the MTA Purple Line project, which requires closing the Silver Spring Station to construct a new mezzanine connecting the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center, the future Purple Line Station, and Metro’s Silver Spring platform. According to Metro, this will enhance connections for Metro, MARC Train, and bus customers.

Additionally, Metro has consolidated various maintenance, repair, and improvement projects on the Red Line to be completed during this single outage, avoiding multiple weekend closures and disruptions over an extended period. The work includes rail renewal, tunnel leak mitigation, automatic train control system replacements, traction power cable installation, drain pumping station replacement, tunnel standpipe replacement, elevator and escalator maintenance, and new digital signage installation.

Before the closure, Metro will deploy in-person teams at the affected stations to provide information and assist customers. Detailed information about the summer construction can be found at

Photo: © MelissaMN – / Metro Graphic

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