Downtown Silver Spring Sees Sharp Decline in Carjackings and Robberies

Montgomery County Police report that crime in downtown Silver Spring has declined 7.6 percent over the past year.

According to crime statistics, carjackings in the Central Business District decreased by 68 percent from 2023 to 2024, with incidents falling from 19 to 6.

Robberies have also decreased by 24 percent, while homicides have dropped by 25 percent since 2023.

According to 3rd District Commander Jason Cokinos, increased patrols, community engagement, heightened enforcement operations, and the adoption of new technologies—such as the Drone as First Responder Program, the Police-Private Security Incentive Program, and the Real-Time Intelligence Center—have greatly improved safety in the area.

“We’ve worked hard to make this community safer, and the numbers show that we’re making progress,” Cokinos said. “But we’re not stopping here. Our officers are out every day, focusing on preventing crime before it happens.”

The Drone as First Responder Program was launched in downtown Silver Spring and Wheaton in 2023 and later expanded to Gaithersburg and Bethesda, while the Police-Private Security Incentive Program was extended to all of Montgomery County earlier this year.

“A big challenge we face is that most of the crime in this area is committed by people who don’t live in Montgomery County,” Cokinos said. “That’s why we’re being proactive, using every tool we have to deter crime and hold offenders accountable.

“We appreciate the support from our residents and encourage everyone to stay aware and continue reporting suspicious activity,” Cokinos added. It makes a difference.”

Photo: © mehaniq41 – / MCPD Graphic

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