Gandhi Brigade, libraries to offer teens video production classes

Registration is underway for free 12-week video production classes for high school students that will begin next week.

The classes are being offered by Gandhi Brigade Youth Media at their location in the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre at 8641 Colesville Rd. and at five county library locations.

“We are proud to continue our partnership with Montgomery County Public Libraries and offer our free programming at five branches across the county, in addition to our Silver Spring Black Box Theater location,” said Executive Director Evan Glass in response to emailed questions.

In the classes, students will learn the fundamentals of video production and have the chance to create short films about topics that interest them.

“This is an exciting opportunity for high school students who want to learn about creating documentary films and public service announcements on critically important topics like immigration reform, education and President Trump,” Glass said.

Examples of past work produced by students include this video about last year’s Women’s March on Washington and another one that addressed the president’s executive order banning residents of certain largely Muslim countries from entering the United States.

“Youth voices matter,” Glass said. “And now more than ever, we need their participation in democracy.”

Classes at the Silver Spring location will be held on Thursdays starting Sept. 28. In addition, classes will be offered locally at the Long Branch Library, 8800 Garland Ave., on Tuesdays beginning Sept. 26. All classes run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Interested students can register here.

Gandhi Brigade Youth Media is an after-school program that empowers young people in Montgomery County to use multimedia tools to promote community building, multicultural understanding, and the common good.

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