The annual Re-Imagining the Holiday party Nov. 12 in downtown Silver Spring featured the Positive-Tree, a 35-foot public art installation by artists Karl Unnasch and Jon Taylor.
Attendees enjoyed musical performances, games, food and drink along with the tree lighting. Here are some photos from the evening (all photos by Mike Diegel).
The fire pit was popular on a chilly night.
Guests enjoyed playing foosball.
This giant Light Bright attracted the youngsters.
Christylez Bacon, Grammy-nominated hip-hop artist, multi-instrumentalist and human beat box with a friend.
Host Tommy McFly from 94.7 Fresh FM warmed up the crowd for . . .
. . . the mannequin challenge. Folks had to hold their pose for 30 seconds.
PandemoniUM, an a cappella group from the University of Maryland, performed for the crowd.
Attendees could leave hopeful messages on the Positive-Tree board.
The Positivi-Tree is illuminated from within.
Another view of the tree, which is topped by a spinning beach umbrella.
The breezeway from the parking garage was full of umbrellas, too.